GUITAR PEOPLE PLEASE :)…How long will it take me to learn classical guitar?

I started the begining of september and im already onto learning the 4th string and some chords?…..So i have a guitar teacher that i go to once a week and i learn something new each time and i practice each day for 30minutes to an hour. How long do you think it will take for me to learn everything and start playing songs?
Once you learn everything will it be easy to just search up different song chords and just play it?
how long did it take you to learn classical guitar or rather any guitar?

just keep playing..and don’t look at it as i have to practice..just pick up your guitar and play..once you learn a few chords..and a few scales you’ll be making music!!..good luck


  • pie123 says:

    depends my little sister "9" has learned really fast a couple lessons and you can play quite a bit
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  • Robert says:

    just keep playing..and don’t look at it as i have to practice..just pick up your guitar and play..once you learn a few chords..and a few scales you’ll be making music!!..good luck
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  • Irv S says:

    ‘Learn everything"????? – A life-time.
    ‘Classical’ is an open ended endeavor.
    There’s always something more difficult to play.
    You should begin to sound ‘credible’ after a year or so.

    Just saw it.. What the hell do "song chords" have to do with classical guitar??
    Did you mean ‘acoustic’?
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  • MusicOrCoffee says:

    You don’t need a guitarist to answer this question, it all depends on how much you practice, how good and caring you’re teacher is, and how much you want to learn. In an optimal situation where you practise two hours a day, you’re teacher cares about you, and you want to learn as much as you want ot breathe air, id say a year or two, and you will probably be able to play well, in the worst case, from 2 years, to forever. But honestly, why do you care how long, remeber music is about the journey, not the destination.
    P.S by "pretty well" i mean you’ll be able to play some beginner music, it takes a lifetime and beyond to become amazing, which is why music is amazing, there is ALWAYS room for improvement. It astonishes me that people assume that instruments are a joke, and that you can learn it fast, and become pro. Good musicians practise 6 hours a day.
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  • Tammye says:

    Well it depends if you are a fast leaner then it should not take long it took me a about 2 weeks. But you are not a fast learner then it will take you quite a while.
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