How do you know which frets to play groups of notes on the guitar?

In Classical guitar music, how do you decide where to play different sections of the song on the fretboard? There are several different possible places to play a group of notes. I was just wondering if there was a method to finding the right one.

It has to do with the sound you’re trying to accomplish and where you’re going next. A lot of it is based on your own style, where you’re comfortable playing, etc. For instance, there are a few different ways to play a scale: Box patterns, 3-notes-per string, and the 3 octave method are three ways I am familiar with. The box patterns have 5 different patterns to know. It’s easy to sit in area and play easily, add in arpeggios and do a few things… but say you wanna do a long legato run that spans over a few strings…. well, you can do the 3-note-per string method, which allows for a more fluid way of playing hammer ons, or pulloffs utililizing legato. It also helps you move within other box pattern shapes, so you can use both styles. Or you can use the 3 octave method where you can add in string sliding, and this also helps you move from the top of the fretboard down towards the bottom to access different areas of the fretboard that will provide you with higher octave notes.

So in other words, you don’t know which ones to play, and it is up to the individual to decide which style and area they are most comfortable to play in.


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