What songs are good to learn for classical guitar.?
I am somewhat of a beginner with classical guitar. What songs would be good to learn? Also, can I get sheet music for it too (not tabs)?
I’ve been playing guitar for 8 years and I know how to use my fingers but classical hasn’t been my style so I want something that’s maybe on the intermediate level.
Try Bach’s Bouree in Em — it’s a famous Classical piece originally composed for lute; here is a link to some sheet music: http://www.sandiegoguitarlessons.com/sheet/bouree_in_e_minor.pdf
You could also give "Asturias" a try — it’s a traditional piece and is quite the bit tougher. I don’t know of any sheet music, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find, it’s a rather famous piece.
moonlight sonata
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john william’s cavatina
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Try Bach’s Bouree in Em — it’s a famous Classical piece originally composed for lute; here is a link to some sheet music: http://www.sandiegoguitarlessons.com/sheet/bouree_in_e_minor.pdf
You could also give "Asturias" a try — it’s a traditional piece and is quite the bit tougher. I don’t know of any sheet music, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find, it’s a rather famous piece.
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