how strengthen fingernails for martial arts and classic guitar?

I want to play classical guitar and use my fingernails which are slowly growing. I want it to be long and undestructable but also for martial arts some styles require. I want to find out different methods on growing them in length and strength wise and of course diet and im taking biotin pills 3x daily. I heard some martial artist use glass to cut top layer of nail and grows back stronger. Is there any methods I can do besides intake of diet like the one I mention?

Thank you!

Protein, Vitamin A, B-complex, C, D, E, calcium, zinc, iodine and iron will help nails grow stronger.


  • Keyboard Warrior says:

    Protein, Vitamin A, B-complex, C, D, E, calcium, zinc, iodine and iron will help nails grow stronger.
    References :

  • Johnathan Pierson says:

    Your fingernails (what cover those soft bits of finger) are all dead. There’s nothing you can do to strengthen them to be indestructible.
    The Guinness Book of World Records record holder for longest fingernails demonstrated that fingernails, grown too long, will curl and become brittle.

    You want techniques for strengthening them? There are none.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.

    In martial arts, you need to keep your nails short and tidy as so you do not harm your training partner. Not heeding that advice is disrespectful to all of your Dojo-mates.

    Use a pick or calcify your fingertips by playing the guitar till your fingertips become resilient enough to handle the exercise of repeatedly strumming.

    No martial art explicitly uses fingertips as a weapon.
    They didn’t have biotin in ancient China/Japan/Korea, because of which, they didn’t have good nail health. Therefore there are no arts that use the fingernails.

    Fingertips can be strengthened in a variety of manners such as grip strengtheners, nigiri kame, or gripping exercises.
    References :
    2nd Dan, Iaido
    1st Dan, Karatedo
    4th Kyu, Jujutsu

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