What’s the best way to learn classical guitar?

I want to learn classical guitar but don’t know how I should go about it. I’m left handed too so it’ll be harder finding a guitar in the first place and I hear that some teachers don’t teach lefties cause it’s hard and improper or something.

Been playing accousict/electric guitar for three years left handed so it’ll be pretty hard making the switch now. Though I have been thinking about it.

Take lessons.


  • Zac says:

    Classical guitar is very different from electric guitar so the best way to learn will be to get a teacher (I’ve never heard of teachers refusing to teach lefties). When playing classical you must finger pick with your thumb, index, middle and ring finger. If you can’t get a teacher I suggest going to classtab.org which has heaps of classical guitar tabs and studies. It is very helpful because most tabs tell you which finger you should use for each note which will help you play the songs the correct way and develop your classical guitar playing skills. Thats basically how I learnt (no teacher) and I got my grade 8 classical guitar last year.

    Best of luck
    References :
    Have played classical and electric guitar for a fucking long time

  • andy muso says:

    Take lessons.
    References :

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