Recommendations on guitar lessons?
About 6 years ago I got my piano teacher to start teaching me guitar as well. Initial progress was slow for a time as she was often gone taking her husband to doctors and hospitals for a serious liver problem, which was understandable. But afterwards when she could get back to the weekly schedule as normal again, progress went very slow. I believe part of it was the lessons books she used which were meant for total beginners, and I had already been playing piano for a number of years and have been comfortable with reading music. We also stuck to a serious lack of chords the whole time, I’d say I learned 5-6 in that many years. It felt like I was being stuck at the same level and I’m wanting more and without waiting a decade to get any good so I decided to end our lessons and find a new method.
My cousin started learning guitar a few months before me (though he can only read number tab and not notes as I’ve always done) and was doing great at it a year later, far beyond what I’m even able to do now. So I’m wanting to try learning with tab now, which I know how to read too just not as quickly as sheet music. Also, she focused on working with me on my acoustic guitar and teaching me more classical and traditional folk songs type of thing. However I primarily want to play electric guitar and more modern music (well the 60s-90s amount of it might not be considered modern, but it’s still more recent then what I’ve been taught). I’ve heard learning acoustic first helps with electric, but I would still prefer to focus as much on the electric as I can.
Any suggestions on guitar instruction? Videos? Books? Methods? It can be something I pay for, I was paying for lessons before, I just want to be able to advance as a guitar player. I’ve been playing around a little with Rocksmith on my Xbox and it’s a good tool in progressing and all but still not a replacement for lessons.
Maybe you could find a better guitar instructor for what you’re wanting to do on guitar?
Here’s quite a bit of good online material if you would like something of that nature. Probably the best collection of instructional videos you’ll find for a new player online.
Youtube has some great lessons i get a little from all of em.. and if you file share do a torrent search
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Maybe you could find a better guitar instructor for what you’re wanting to do on guitar?
Here’s quite a bit of good online material if you would like something of that nature. Probably the best collection of instructional videos you’ll find for a new player online.
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