How to play more string with guitar pick?

I can play Nothing else matter my metallica on classical guitar, and now I’d like to try on electrical with a guitar pick. But I don’t understand how to play 2 or more notes at once, for example on classical I pluck with my fingers both high E and low E string. But if I use guitar pick I can’t pick both string at a time, so how to do it?

Usually your going to be playing adjacent guitar strings when you play them with a pick, like if you play a chord. Some songs it would be better to fingerpick, like the example you gave with the note being on the 1st and 6th string. But otherwise, you’d just have to pick out 1 note and/or adjacent notes and leave the other notes to another guitarist (if the notes are supposed to sound at the same time). If they’re not sounding at the same time, but just quickly behind one another, you just have to coordinate your picking. Maybe you’d hit the 6th string on a downstroke, and the 1st string on the upstroke. With practice, you’ll find the best and quickest method for what your trying to play.

If you need to play the E strings at the same time open, what you could do is mute the strings in between (A,D,G,B) with your fretting fingers while you play the 2 open E strings like a chord.
Good luck!

Any recommendations on a classical guitar instructional book to buy?

I have been playing guitar a couple years now, and I mostly play rock & metal stuff. I’m getting bored with it so i thought learning classical guitar might be the way forward.

does anyone have any suggestions of a good book for me to get?
(for an idea of my current skill level, i can play most metallica songs, a little bit of basic yngwie malmsteen stuff, etc. so im not a beginner or an expert).


I was just googling and came across this product hope it helps you

Classical Guitar For Dummies
Want to be a classical guitarist, but never had a lesson? No problem — this hands-on guide teaches you all the fundamental techniques you need to play scales, melodies, and full-length pieces in the classical style. You get plenty of practice exercises to stretch your skills, selections from the classical repertoire, and a bonus audio CD that helps you play along with the music pieces from the book![Paperback]&x=0&y=0&tag=klnprk-20

Also check out at Ebay

What should i practise on the guitar to get good?

ive been playing classical guitar for 2 years at my middle school, but there are no classes i can take in high school. From the way things are going, i think i might not get a private teacher. I want to get better on my electric, playing lead and rhythm blues,metal,rock, and maybe jazz, but i also want to contiue with my classical a little. Im just not sure what to practise on my own so i can be good and stuff.

This beginners (and improvers) course starts at the very beginning. After the first 10 lessons on basic chords and strumming you can move onto other areas – I usually teach things in roughly this order, to offer some variation, but feel free to mix it up a little and tailor it to fit what you want to learn. This is just a suggested progression.

It is very important that you understand that there are many ways to learn the guitar and there is more than one correct method. What I offer you here is a method that I have developed for teaching beginners over many years and I have found it to be effective. But it doesn’t mean any other method won’t work.

Learning songs is an important part of learning the guitar. You can either follow my advice and get into transcribing (working out songs off CD yourself) right from the start, or buy some books with many songs in it, or just use the internet to get free tabs. But be warned, many web tabs are completely wrong! There are many guitar methods on the web, some made there by students or beginner players and sometimes I have seen very bad advice offered for beginners on the web. So if not here, make sure you study with a reputable site.

If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them in the forum, please leave the questions there.

Take care and I wish you the best of luck.


How versatile is a classical guitar?

I just started learning classical guitar on nylon string guitar, and i was wondering how versatile the playing styles and actual guitar are.

It’s not versatile at all. Unless you’re interested in playing classical music it’s the wrong guitar for you. A steel string flattop acoustic guitar is a much. much better choice. The classical guitar can only be played fingerstyle while a steel string flattop acoustic guitar can be played either fingerstyle or with a pick (or both, actually, if you’re good enough).

Many beginners mistakenly start with a classical because someone told them it’d be easier on their fingers and while that’s mostly true it’s still not enough reason to buy the wrong guitar.

The other two responders are telling you what you want to hear but I’m telling you the truth. It’s okay if you don’t believe me because you’ll find out for yourself.

Would I be okay learning classical guitar from a regular guitar teacher?

He is not specifically a classical guitar teacher. He is an excellent guitarist however. I have experience with playing an instrument already, and I can read music, so I figure with the help of classical guitar books, if he doesn’t know much about playing fingerstyle, then I can attempt to teach myself that and then he can still instruct me on every other aspect of playing. I already know him and want him to be my teacher, but my question is if that might limit my ability to become a good classical guitarist.

I’ve picked up a lot of instruments on my own…so I’d say that you probably will be fine.
The most important thing early on in learning an instrument is general technique – how to hold the instrument, how to move the fingers (or lips and tongue for wind instruments). It can be very easy to develop bat habits in the beginning that can hold you back. It is difficult to change when you’ve established these bad habits.

I’d say the optimal method for you would be to consult with a guitarist to learn the proper beginner’s technique…have them make sure you are on the right track. Being as you already know something about reading music and playing an instrument, you are likely to learn very quickly how to translate what you know to a new instrument.

I started on french horn in school and from there I picked up all the other brass instruments, saxophones, piano, bass guitar, and clarinet — all on my own. When I first branched out to a different family of instruments (ex: sax and clarinet), I tried to keep myself in contact with people that I knew were good…I didn’t have a lesson from them, but they gave me tips and suggestions of what to do, just to keep me on track.

There are tons of resources available for learning to play…online tutorial videos are very helpful, and method books are a must have.

What helped me most in picking up all the different instruments was looking for similarities between them and identifying specifically what is different. A lot of technique crosses back and forth.

Is classical guitar probably the best style to learn?

At the moment im learning classical guitar, but i’m having second thoughts, im interested in soloing and the funk/jazz side of guitar, but i’ve been told that Classical is probably the best style to learn, but you have to stick at this, is this true?

Classical guitarists solo, so I presume you mean improvise or write your own solos.

There is no "best" style, it’s all personal preference. Anyone who claims a certain style is superior to another has deep-rooted insecurity problems. You will find masterpieces and virtuoso players in ALL styles.

The problem with classical guitar is that many people who teach classical guitar or write books have very strong opinions about what is "proper" and "correct" and what is not. For example, some teachers think TAB is evil because you’re looking at numbers instead of notes. Well, if you know what those numbers mean, then they read like notes, so what’s the difference? You certainly can’t put the notation for hammer-on,, string mute or pick scrape using staff unless you want a messy looking page.

What the classical guitarists seem to overlook is that full staff (bass clef and treble clef) was written for piano. There’s one note on the piano for each note on the staff, Staff also works for most instruments like clarinet or harp because on those instruments, you can’t play the same note in more than one position. But on guitar, that one note can be played in many different positions. If you read TAB, someone has already figured out the best position, so TAB for guitar is like staff for piano. Some classical guitarists with many years experience can play directly from staff because they have their "favorite" finger positions for certain notes. But I think TAB is better for the rest of us because if someone has already messed around and come up with logical fingering, why spend your time reinventing the wheel?

So, I found classical guitar rather cumbersome because I spent more time reading staff and then working out the fingering on guitar than I did playing. Because I played classical piano, I almost gave up playing classical guitar because I got so fed up mapping the fingering for guitar. That’s probably what led to metal guitar, however, because metal is based in classical music, unlike rock, which is based in blues.

But regardless of what style music you prefer – jazz, metal, classical, blues, funk – there is one book which slays them all and if your guitar teacher hsn’t recommended it, then get him/her a copy too. The book is FRETBOARD LOGIC SE. It will help you understand the guitar from a non-biased perspective, show you what you REALLY need to know to play well, and then when you want to solo, you have acquired the knowledge and skill to do so.

I’ve read just about every guitar book on the planet and FRETBOARD LOGIC SE is the only one I keep in my studio.

How Much Does an Acoustic Classical Guitar Cost?

I was looking into guitars and wondering how much a acoustic classical guitar costs in Canada? And also a capo?

Please Help.

Good choice if you are a beginner. It will be much easier on your finger tips and give you the fretboard freedom to really get into shape in order to play most any other guitar around. And, the opportunity to get into finger style that will transfer well to the other guitars for great expression of the music.

You might be lucky if you can find a Raimundo in this price range. Don’t overlook the other brand names as Ibanez and Yamaha as offering their models as well. Find out what pleases you in how it feels and sounds. Washburn offers up a few models (Oscar Schmidt) but they may be less quality as some others.

Good to take someone with you who is already into guitar playing to help make a decision.

Capos come in different styles and application methods (clamping) to deal with. There are of the basic strap kind, the turn screw and quick release. Find which will be most comfortable to operate while playing and adjusting for key differences.

Does learning classical guitar help towards the rock side of guitar?

I’m learning Classical guitar, and basically wondering if this will help me with my song writing and Rock/Indie

I like to play music such as Radiohead and Blur, if this helps at all

Cheers :) x

Learning classical guitar is helpful for rock guitar in many ways, especially since you want to write songs. The theory you learn for classical guitar is directly applicable to all other styles, because you can’t write without using notation.

Most of the greatest rock guitarists have some if not lots of classical guitar in their background, and some, though they came to classical guitar later than their rock careers, found knowledge of it invaluable. Eric Clapton, for instance, played with a pick until he learned classical, and when he discovered the power and control in finger+nail picking, abandoned the pick altogether.

The big things in rock music right now are the European ‘gargle’ metal bands, who are so honest about their classical training that they write full orchestral and choir parts for their rock music, mixing diva-opera vocals with gargle rap.

The list of ‘classic’ rock guitarists who have had classical training is too long to even begin.

The things that make classical so good as fundamental background for rock are:
learning how to practice
scales, modes and harmony
musical forms (not everything is verse-chorus-verse-chorus-chorus.)
total knowledge of all 24 frets, harmonics, articulations and modifications (bending, pushing, pulling, playing in tune, etc etc etc)

What is probably least useful for rock, from classical, is partial chord forms. Rock players tend to learn whole chord forms, then finger the whole chord and pick the notes they want to use. Classical guitarists tend to finger only the part of the chords they are going to play.

On the other hand, classical guitarists learn, more than non-classically-trained rockers, how to make every note sound like it belongs next to the previous and following note, regardless of string crossings, fret position, or string tone.

Diff between Spanish guitar method and Classical guitar method?

I’m a beginner guitarist and am using a classical guitar also known as a spanish guitar. My father gave me a very old (1935) "Spanish guitar method" book 1 by Nick Manoloff. When I looked into his other titles there was also his "Classical guitar method". Just wondering what the difference is being they’re both the same guitar.

A FLAMENCO guitar IS NOT THE SAME as a CLASSICAL guitar.. even the strings are different.

If you are just starting I would suggest you get some of the MEL BAY books (available online) and leave the classical and spanish playing go for a couple of years until you master the basics.

There is nothing wrong with learning on a Classical Guitar.. they are built so you MUST use proper technique to get the best out of them and you can’t say that for steel string acoustic guitars electric guitars.

Stay with your Classical guitar and learn the basics.. then go on from there. oh.. GET A GOOD GUITAR TEACHER… it will pay dividends in the future..

Learning both electric and classical guitars ?

I’ve been taking electric guitar for a couple of years , and I am planning to learn classical guitar .
Would it be a waste of money and time if I take both lessons ?
I’m not losing interest in electric guitar ( instead I LOVE IT ) , but I am also interested in the classical guitar .

try and get the ebook there also are videos on there as lessons, the ebook is 93 pages and 8 chapters covering everything a beginner would need, open chords, barre chords, power chords, chord inversions, major minor and pentatonic scales, how to stay in key, modes, techniques, music theory specific to guitar, and much more, good luck

When playing the classical guitar, how do I know which (right hand) finger to use to play the note?

From the question I’m sure you deduced that I’m a beginner. I’m also learning to play without a teacher. I live in rural Japan and classical guitar teachers are hard to come by. I know that the first and second measure usually show which finger to use, but after that I’m not always sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

There is a general rule for the position of the right hand’s finger. Which means, most of the songs is played with this position.

The string number 1 to 6 refer here, arrange from thiner string to thicker string.

The thumb is for string 4,5,6. Most of the songs use these strings for bass.
Index finger for string 3
Middle finger for string 2
Ring finger for string 1

For classical guitar, the songs generally use the above method to place fingers. And if the song need you to place your finger elsewhere, it might tells you how. There can be the letter above the note. i=index finger, m=middle finger

If it show how to us finger in the first measure and don’t show anything after that, the same method is to be used all the song.

Some classic song needed to play "tremolo" which is not for beginners. I have tried once but not many songs in the world required tremolo style, so I stop trying. This technique use three finger (index, middle, and ring) playing the same string with a little bit fast speed.

For the song which require you to play fast melodies or solo usually use index finger and middle finger. Bass player or solo player generally use these two fingers playing the notes. You can rent some vcd concert to see how.

How to learn classical guitar?

I am a beginner guitarist and I am interested in learning Classical guitar

What are the right steps to learn?
and any advice on learning Classical guitar?

(I have no money for lessons)

I would be interested in knowing just WHAT classical guitar you have. I have an Alvarez Classical Guitar and there is a big difference between playing it and playing my Martin Custom D.

You will need to build callouses and that is hard to do with nylon strings. Even though I play my Classical Guitar an hour a day, I still play one of the acoustics for 15 minutes to 1/2 an hour a day just to keep the callouses on my fingers.

If you have no money for lessons, I don’t know what to tell you. Having a teacher is very important, especially at your stage because that is when you will build up a ton of bad habits that you will have to unlearn later.

At the very least LEARN TO READ MUSIC… the really interesting stuff is not available for free transcribed into TABS… so you really need to be able to read music.

Other than your guitar, you need a guitar tuner AND a Metronome because playing classical guitar is more demanding than strumming on a cheap acoustic.

As I said earlier… If you can’t afford a teacher… then I don’t know what else to do for you, because you are already doomed to failure.

How can i start playing Classical guitar?

im 17 and been playing electric guitar for about a year (practice on a clean channel!!) and im already playing some Lamb of God and alot of Megadeth type songs…

well i love music theory and know a fair amount…but how can i possibly start classical guitar? like maybe fingerpicking or anything…sounds like alot of fun
alot of fun and hard work which is enjoyable on guitar

I recommend classical guitar method by Matteo Carcassi. Other guitar books have dull exercises, but in Carcassi’s book every exercise is a very interesting piece of art and complexity of exercises grow very gradually so there are no much problems in the course of learning.

Can I learn bass guitar by learning the Classical Guitar?

I play the drums, and over the past year or so, I’ve really come to love the bass. Especalu after listening to Muse songs nonstop. I want to learn the bass, but all I have is a classical guitar lying around at home. I don’t know anything about guitars and notes and chords. But I do know how to play the drums and read drum notes very well. Can I learn the bass by using a classical guitar, and is it possible to learn online?

Bass is absolutely nothing like guitar, and very little will transition from guitar to bass. While playing the guitar will help you figure the notes on the fret board, there is nothing else that transitions from it to bass.
A typical bass has four strings, tuned EADG. These strings are much thicker than guitar strings, and are much lower. The neck on a bass has a much larger scale length, having up to twenty four frets as opposed to the classical guitars around 18 or 19, and the frets on the bass are also larger, and more spaced out. Basses also usually play just one or two strings at a time, making you a lot more mobile when playing, whether than simple chord shapes on a classical guitar.

Is classical guitar good to learn?

I was wondering if classical guitar is good to learn and if it was not a waste of time to find a teacher to learn classical What are the benefits of classical guitar. Is there another style worth learning. Classical guitar has some nice pieaces, but what are its benefits?

Well, technically, a classical guitar is actually a type of acoustic guitar, and any kind of music can be played on it–though I don’t think a hard-driving rock song meant for a loudly amplified electric guitar would sound quite right. Classical guitars usually have nylon strings and a slightly wider neck than other acousic guitars. The wider neck makes it easier for more intricate finger positions, especially if you were playing classical or advanced solo pieces. Likewise you could play classical music on another type of acoustic guitar–or even electric guitars (though of course the effect would be changed due to the tone of the instrument).

Now what would be the benefit of taking guitar lessons and starting with classical or traditional pieces?
For one thing, you actually learn to read sheet music. Not everything is available in tabs, and tabs don’t indicate the how long a note or chord is to be played. If you were trying to actually play something you had never heard before, it might be a lot of guesswork involved concerning the correct rhythm. Standard notation also gives other helpful information on how the music is to be played.

In addition to solo pieces, you can also use your classical guitar to accompany singing or other instrumentalists using basic chords.

What are the best sites to learn classical guitar for beginners?

I have an classic guitar and I am a beginner, I would like to teach myself how to play it, as I can’t afford to spend money. I don’t know any strumming techniques and I’ve forgotten the chords. I would prefer to learn chords rather than tabs. Any help anyone could give me would be great!

I’d personally recommend

The site offers over 500 well-structured and free lessons from one of the most influential guitar teachers in the online world.

These set of lessons could be extremely helpful for learning the basics, strumming techniques and chords:

What songs are good to learn for classical guitar.?

I am somewhat of a beginner with classical guitar. What songs would be good to learn? Also, can I get sheet music for it too (not tabs)?

I’ve been playing guitar for 8 years and I know how to use my fingers but classical hasn’t been my style so I want something that’s maybe on the intermediate level.

Try Bach’s Bouree in Em — it’s a famous Classical piece originally composed for lute; here is a link to some sheet music:

You could also give "Asturias" a try — it’s a traditional piece and is quite the bit tougher. I don’t know of any sheet music, but it shouldn’t be too hard to find, it’s a rather famous piece.

Can I learn classical guitar techniques using an acoustic guitar ?

You can learn but the technique and feeling is not the same as nylon string classical guitar. Far from it. While the fingering and chording is the same, classical guitar playing is better played on a nylong string, not a steel-string.

Acoustic Guitar or Classical Guitar?

i want to start playing guitar but I don’t know which kind of guitar to get!
I am currently learning how to play classical guitar(that’s the one with the nylon strings, right??) at school
I asked if I could borrow one but they said no.. :(
Which is harder to play?
and which one sounds better (in your opinion)
thanks :)

(and if I should get an acoustic guitar, how is this one? )


About equally hard – the steel-string has higher tension strings, but the neck is narrower and the action should be lower if it’s properly set up. Playing techniques and the types of music they’re used for are a lot different, but you can learn the basics on either. Your decision really depends on what kind of music you want to play.

An Epiphone PR-150 is a decent entry-level guitar, but pick one out personally from a music store if you can, to make sure it’s comfortable for you to play.

I am just a begginner on classical guitar…but I want to strictly play only bossanova and samba.?

I just bought a classical guitar. I only want to play bossa nova and samba. I know I need to learn the basics. I just ordered Hal Leonards guitar method. Is there a book strictly for bossa nova beginners? Where is it? Or do I have to learn from someone?

From what I know this may be your best bet: